Our commercial insurance policies are customized to your industry’s unique needs.

Own a business? Sentinel Risk Insurance Group can make sure you are covered with business insurance.

Sentinel Risk Insurance Group has access to over 40 different business and commercial insurance providers. We work with you to fully understand what types of coverage your business needs. Once we have identified your specific needs, we shop around to find you the best coverage and rates. Its simple to save on insurance with Sentinel Risk Insurance Group.
Sentinel works directly with you to explain the different types of coverage, and to understand the different options when creating a commercial or business insurance policy. We give you the piece of mind that you have the right coverage to fully protect you and your business.
Sentinel Risk Insurance Group understands that insurance plays an important role in the operation of your buiness. With Sentinel Risk Insurance Group as your broker, you know you are getting the best rates with the necessary coverage.
Commercial Property Insurance
Commercial property may include building coverage, contents coverage, stock coverage, and equipment coverage against physical loss or damage. Commercial property can be paired with Business Interruption coverage too which can offset income you may lose while you're shut down as a result of an insured loss.
Commercial property has many meanings; it could mean a physical building you rent out to tenants, it could be a physical building you own and use for your own business purposes, or it could mean the equipment, tools, stock, or inventory of your business.
Commercial Liability Insurance
Commercial general liability insurance, or CGL, is coverage that will protect your business in the event that you are sued. It is often used to cover claims against your business for bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage. For those who rent or lease their workspace, it may also provide coverage-depending on the circumstances-if you are responsible for damage to that workplace. Commercial general liability insurance is not Professional Liability insurance (errors and omissions). Get a quote for commercial general liability (CGL) insurance.
Professional Liability Insurance
Professional liability insurance or Errors and omissions insurance is especially important to professionals who work with clients who could claim that something that you or your company did on their behalf was done wrong, costing them money or causing them harm. Get errors and omissions business insurance quotes.